
Happy 75th Golden Gate: Festival & Fireworks This Sunday the 27th in San Fran

The giant, long and lean, sunset-orange link from the sophisticated, forward San Fran to the jewel of an outdoorsy playground, the beloved Marin County, celebrates it’s 75th anniversary on Sunday with a day long festival topped off with fireworks at 9:30pm.

Here’s a link to the Sunday festivities:  http://goldengatebridge75.org/celebrate/golden-gate-festival.html

As I get out for my own hikes and bikes and walks, kayaks, sails, skips and jumps, just around the corner, just at the crest of the hill, the award of seeing the Golden Gate’s elegant span continues, every single time, to take my breath away. There is a power there that draws us in. Almost magical in quality. And 7 bazillion photographs of the bridge can barely do it justice. You must come see it live.

A fascinating transcript from PBS NewsHour tells the history of the bridge from all perspectives, including the more outdoor minded – here’s a little taste with the link to the full story below:

KEVIN STARR: Nothing is easy in San Francisco. The Sierra Club thought it profaned the site. Older San Franciscans just didn't like it because it wasn't part of Mother Nature.


SPENCER MICHELS: Ansel Adams, who also opposed the bridge, photographed the Golden Gate before the bridge was built. His photo is on display at the California Historical Society, where Anthea Hartig is executive director.
ANTHEA HARTIG, California Historical Society: But he grew to accept it.

The Golden Gate now crosses close to 40 million cars every year – and the number of bikers, hikers, and walkers like us are no doubt countless. Happy Birthday, Golden Gate. Looking forward to riding across your lovely span again and again. 

Namaste and Three Cheers and see you there! -a

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