
Cricket 5-Minute Firestarter Review & GIVEAWAY. Add to your camping kit.

Still time for campfires this summer! A solid addition to your camping kit.

I cannot lie. The green cricket fellow on the box in his plaid shirt first caught my eye. He looks like a happy camper - completely satisfied with his roaring fire behind him.  

And then the ingredients: these firestarters are non-toxic and made of Forest Steward Council certified wood and other controlled substances. Big in my book.

And, finally, the problem solving qualities this box o’ firestarters has: starting a fire without the need for mounds of paper and kindling and squirting on the toxic, flammable juice that some people resort to that makes my eyebrows singe just thinking of it.

Using Them:  So we tossed our box of Cricket Firestarters to review into our camping box and have fired them up them all summer long. Building our campfires throughout California from Hendy Woods to Mt Tamalpais State Park.  **Don’t forget – you can enter to win a $30 GIVEAWAY at the end of this post. But for now, keep reading….!**

A normal match burns out in a few seconds and may take a finger or two with it if you're not quick. This firestarter lasts many minutes, slowly coaxing the bigger logs to – come on, light, light!– without as much of the usual prep material needed.  

So as my hubby bangs his head because he recycled the newspaper and I forgot to pack kindling – hmmmm, I toss him 3-4 of these handy, self-contained, little firestarters -- so nice to have as a worthwhile essential in our camping kit.

Do they work with stubborn, wet wood? We needed to use more and did give them help. And ended up switching out the problematic wet-log that a flame-thrower couldn’t have made burn. And, btw, good news these things are water resistant, tho they are not water proof.

They retail for a little over $5 at many stores throughout the USA including the western Rite Aids. 

So in the meantime, come stand by the campfire, my friend. S’mores for you and S’mores for me. And hope you win! Cheers!

-Outdoorsy Mama

-One Cricket 5-Minute Firestarter Box
-$15 Rite Aid Gift Certificate
-$10 Camping World Gift Certificate
*TIP: To leave a comment, once you enter your email into Rafflecopter form, click on link at the top of the post to pull-up the full article, then the "comments" section will pop-up & you can write. Then go back and press "I COMMENTED" in green. Sheesh - but it's worth it! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more info:

Disclaimer: The Cricket 5-Minute Firestarters for review and the full 3-item giveaway package were provided at no cost. All opinions are my own, always. 

Giveaway is open to US Residents only and sorry can't ship to PO Boxes. Contest starts on August 16 12amEST & ends August 25 12am, 2014 EST. The lucky winner will be announced a few days later. Good luck everyone - love sharing the cool stuff!


  1. I love campfires and cooking on them. I hope i win!

  2. Very cool, definitely can use this!

    1. they are cool. sorta a different take on making a fire. thanks!

  3. We're hikers looking for fun additions to our backcountry hiking/camping gear kit. I'd love to try out these firestarters. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. hey anna - just back from the mountains. yes, they're a great addition to the kit & always fun to do a giveaway. happy hiking and good luck!

  4. I'd love to win these!

  5. I love camping, and camp fires (just not the smoke following me!). Thank you for the giveaway (didn't say it was published. Sorry if dup.)

    1. thanks for entering rhonda - not a dupe :) you are all good and hope you get out for a few more camping trips and build a few more campfires before summer ends! good luck!

  6. nothing like a fire and relaxing uneder the stars

  7. i hope i win these!

  8. I still have never been "real" camping (i.e. not at a campground), but I'm pretty sure I would like it, especially with some handy firestarters ;-)

    1. it's such a beautiful way to spend the night --- even in your own backyard if you can make even that happen. good luck and thanks for telling your story, Sher!

    2. Thanks! I like the backyard idea :-)

  9. Most of our backcountry trips are in areas with stoves only, but these look like they'd be great in an emergency kit, too.

    1. hey john - great point - so that's one box for your camping kit and one box for your emergency kit. done. thanks & cheers! (ps. pardon if you get a bunch of replies, my internet is going haywire...)

  10. hey john - great point - so that's one box for your camping kit and one box for your emergency kit. done. thanks & cheers!

  11. Everyone should own one if they don't camp, you never know when you are going to need one.

    1. great point, Lorelei - you just never know. thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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