
Spring Break!!!! Leave the Funnels and Fake IDs of Yester Year at Home -- We're Doing it Elementary School Style!

You Can't  Contain Spring Break Giddiness!

So in Ye Olden Timen, Spring Break meant cramming as many of us into my parent's Light Blue, Volkswagen Rabbit and driving 3,000 miles south to the mecca of the debaucherous Fort Lauderdale and its environs..... 

And, of course, all the complete naughtiness that ensued. 

Luckily, in those days, WE DID NOT HAVE CELL PHONE CAMERAS, videotaping and taking pics of every moment of our complete stupidity. We just had whatever few memories we retained during those sandy, sunny, sudsy, Polaroid filled days.

Cut to today. No MTV bikinis being ripped off these days. Rather, sand laden mini-vans and s'more making campsites with burnt marshmallow remains stuck to every single part of every single person in our family's body. Lazy, happy kiddos leaping with glee on our warming beaches and freezing their fannies off boogie-boarding in the rough, Pacific chop.

It's Spring Break -- Kid Style! Leaving the Funnels and Fake IDs at home.... 

Hope you're getting out there, too! 

Namaste & Three Cheers! -OM

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