
Baby Ostriches at California Academy of Sciences Rock Cuteness Quotient and Earthquake Exhibit

Baby Ostriches at Cal Academy Rock Cuteness 

Speaking of fuzzy heads……..

OMG. Baby ostriches.

Running. All. Over. The. Place. Absolutely. Adorable.

California Academy of Sciences nails it… again.

If you thought you couldn’t get any cuter than a gaggle of flipper-flopping, chin-strapping, bow-tie and wet-suit wearing penguins that the Academy has on permanent display, well then just hang a RIGHT instead of a left as you enter next time and head on over to the new Earthquake exhibit. And look for the 6 or 7 or 8 or so little under-2-feet-high, puffy, gorgeous, tiptoeing, snoozing, pooping little baby ostriches.

Today they were 42 days old.

So what do baby ostriches have to do with Earthquakes?? We didn’t care. We just gooooed and aweeeeed and oooohed and coochie-coochied up to the glass enclosure along with the 100s of other google-eyed human pushovers. What a bunch of saps. Happy, heart filled, snuggly, Hallmarky saps.

So what does the Academy of Sciences baby ostrich exhibit ACTUALLY have to do with Earthquakes? Well, after we got home and came down from our Baby Animal Planet, big-eyed adorableness high, I read some of the literature I’d been carrying around with us all day:

The ostriches help tell the story and support the theory of plate tectonics – that we continents were all once one giant mass of togetherness on a super-continent called Pangaea. And Ostriches from Africa, and Kiwis from New Zealand, and Emus from Australia etc. all evolved from a common ancestor – one flightless dodo of a bird sitting on a Pangaean nest… whose nest/world got ROCKED when their little community cracked into pieces due to massive earthquakes and started floating away and formed the 7 continents we are taught to know and love today ….. (Visions of sad little bird colonies weeping as Auntie Loo the Flightless Wonder drifts West on her cracked piece of continent.)

Anyway, if anyone’s still reading this, it actually is super interesting! Worth the visit as always. And this time you can have your ostrich shaken, not served….

Namaste & Three Cheers! –A

For more info: http://www.calacademy.org
Doors open at 9:30am all week. Sleep in ‘till 11 on Sunday.